• What makes silver more interesting than gold?

    Silver - the little man's gold

    Silver is an industrial metal with 1,300 patents and is used and consumed in more than 42,000 different applications. In addition, silver has so far been recycled little. In a cell phone alone, about 250 mg of silver can be found. Annual mobile phone production requires around 275 tons of silver worldwide.

    New developments need more and more silver. Bank UniCredit forecasts an annual growth in industrial consumption. With more than 352 million ounces consumed annually in the industry in 2011, UniCredit expects silver consumption to increase by more than 700 million ounces per year by 2020. That's a doubling in 9 years.

  • Silver plant metal

  • In addition to its industrial use, silver is in demand as a jewelery, coin and investment metal.

    The demand is thus greater than the supply and some experts see an increase in the price of silver from about $ 20 an ounce today to more than $ 200. This 1,000% appreciation potential is the reason why NLFY bets silver from the start.

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